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          Project Beautiful - 50 Shades of Perfect , Changing the Face of Perfection .

How the project was born.....

This is a project , that was thought born from new Orleans native , Kentucky resident Ashlee Adams , just a regular mom of two crazy boys , Parker and Payton , who doesn't really enjoy being photographed. She has always liked being BEHIND the camera making memories for those around her -    She always had a problem with self -image and kind of felt like it held her back in some areas. Then she... became a photographer and realized she was not alone. So many moms did not want to be in the pictures during their children's shoots due to their appearances of what they thought . Women are not comfortable with features of their faces, arms , legs-- And it finally hit her after shooting a session of a friend who lost a large amount of weight AND looked fabulous :) , that they are going to be leaving a legacy in the world - our children and they need to see what their mamas , grandmas , sisters, friends, aunts looked like!!!


​This is when 50 Shades of Perfect was born - not yet named, but an idea. Ashlee began posting on her FB page about an idea she had , would anyone be interested. She felt she was given the number 50 and set a goal to do 50 faces of normal , EVERYDAY beautiful woman that may be unnoticed by many. They are your waitresses, your cashiers, your baby sitters, they are - real women. This goal was to be met by the end of Summer of 2012, and it was named by Casey Shoemake, a Louisiana native and family friend of The Adams ,wife and mother of two beautiful boys. She randomly said , "hey , why don't you name it 50 Shades of Perfect - jump on the mainstream ! (from the popular book 50 Shades of Gray ,released in 2012- not related in any way , having same values or proclaims as the book ) . Ashlee thought that was a PERFECT name :). So it became ,

50 Shades of Perfect- Changing the Face of Perfect. 


With the help of other photographers around the USA , we have produced such an amazing collection of unique smiles , stories told , celebrating each other's struggles , victories and all the rest!

The project itself is composed of three final images with minimal to no editing done - there is no skin touch ups, no waist trimming , etc. It is what it is !!
The first image is the head shot , just the woman
the second image is a sign holding up whatever she wants to say to the world.
The third image is a sign written in the woman's handwriting - I AM BEAUTIFUL.

When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence.”
Ansel Adams

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