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Yeah , Im that girl with the camera...everywhere!

Hey ! I am Ashlee Adams  , New Orleans native ,  Louisiana girl born and raised to love the different textures and angles of everyday life . I now live in Western KY on our family farm with my husband , Jeromie ( who is my biggest fan ) and  our two crazy , rough and tough boys -Parker and Payton.


   I can contribute my love of photography to my dad , who always had a camera or video camera out and rolling. He taught us 5 kids ( I being the middle child AND only girl lol ) that family is everything and memories are to captured.  SO , as soon as I could get my little hands on a camera , I went through rolls and rolls of  Kodak film via my chinky little 110 camera (dont laugh !) and a HUGE video camera that broke your shoulder after 20 minutes of filming  , and never looked back !


I could not imagine life without photography . Every day, I am in complete awe of my surroundings and ask myself - how can I photograph this and make it interesting ? What can I do with that window ?  Or , oh man , I have got to do an engagement shoot here! I am ALWAYS looking for a corner of the world that has not been shot yet - and OWN it . NO matter what I shoot, I always tell my clients - JUST OWN IT .

I'll admit it - Im obsessed . My camera and lenses go everywhere I go , almost like part of the family ! I harass my friends when I need to practice maternity , family shoots , kids - whatever . If you are around me , chances are , you are going to get your picture taken !




A huge thanks for image  to my mentor , photography partner in crime on a country road , and friend Hannah Padgett of Picture Perfect Photography  - without her ,I would 1. have no action shots and 2. not know what the heck I am doing lol !

When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence.”
Ansel Adams

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